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Belts and Hoses

Automotive Belt Replacement in Clinton, UT and Layton, UT

Belts can wear and break over time. A belt that becomes worn can slip and may not work effectively. Hose pipes may glaze and crack after years of use or when exposed to extreme temperatures. A malfunctioning hose pipe may result in vital fluids dripping from your engine and could create harm to engine parts. To stop some of the most common sources of breakdown, we recommend your belts and hoses are checked regularly.

Ask your mechanic about belts and hoses if you notice any sort of:

  • Lack of power
  • Squealing or grinding noise
  • If you feel vibrations, slips or catching
  • It is recommended to have belts and hoses examined every 3,000 miles or with every oil change. A belt and hose pipe evaluation checks for:

  • Glazing, cracking, peeling, and softening of belts
  • Proper tensioning
  • Appropriate drive pulley alignment
  • Punctures and cracks
  • Hardening, cracking and softening of hose pipes
  • Loosened or worn clamps
  • Issues with cooling system pressure
  • Lynn Wood Service Center Offers Belt and Hose Replacements in Clinton, UT and Layton, UT

    Contact us if you have any questions or think you may need to replace the belts or hoses in your vehicle. At Lynn Wood Service Center, we look forward to working with you to maintain the life of your vehicle.

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    Contact Us

    Phone: (801) 776-2886
    Address: 1803 W. 1800 N. Bldg E-1
    Clinton, UT 84015
    Phone: (801) 544-3336
    Address: 256 North Fairfield Road
    Layton, UT 84041
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